Photobooks and “Zines” (magazine format publications) created by me are printed and fulfilled by Blub, a company specializing in self-publishing in smaller quantities. I believe their quality is excellent — and it is satisfying to be able to create and offer photo books and zines that are printed in the United States. I feel very strongly that photography must be printed (prints, zines and books) to be fully appreciated. Pixels on a screen show a short-lived image, but the printed image is permanent.
Because my photo books and zines are printed in small quantities, prices will be a higher than books printed in much larger quantity – but in my opinion the quality and convenience is worth it. Photo books are printed on high quality paper for best reproduction of color and black and white images and are therefore more expensive. Zines are printed on magazine quality paper, and since my zines are mostly black and white a superior quality of paper is not required.
Previews of my photo books zines are available so you can review before buying. The full list available can be reviewed at: